Seasonal AC Maintenance Before Switching to Heating System in Bay Terrace, NY

As the seasons change, so do the demands on your air conditioning system. To ensure your AC runs smoothly and efficiently throughout the year, it’s essential to perform seasonal maintenance. This checklist that we at New York Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing would like to share today, will guide you through the steps needed to keep your cool, whether it’s the scorching heat of summer or the chilly days of winter.

Spring AC Tune Up & Maintenance

Change the Air Filter: Start the season with a fresh air filter. A clean filter promotes better airflow and indoor air quality. Check your filter every month and replace it when it’s dirty.
Clean the Condenser Coils: Over the winter, your outdoor unit may have accumulated dirt and debris. Gently hose down the coils to remove any buildup, improving the system’s efficiency.
Inspect the Refrigerant Lines: Check for any signs of wear, such as cracks or leaks, in the refrigerant lines. Damaged lines can lead to reduced cooling efficiency.
Test the Thermostat: Ensure your thermostat is working correctly. Test it by setting the desired temperature and checking if the AC responds accordingly.

Maintain AC in Summer

Keep the Area Around the Outdoor Unit Clear: Regularly trim bushes, grass, and other vegetation around the outdoor unit to ensure proper airflow and ventilation.
Clean or Replace the Air Filter: If you have a disposable filter, it’s essential to change it regularly during peak cooling season, often monthly. For reusable filters, clean them according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Check for Leaks: Inspect the indoor unit for any water leaks, which can indicate a clogged condensate drain or other issues.
Test the AC System: Ensure your air conditioner is cooling effectively. If you notice reduced cooling performance or unusual sounds, it might be time to call a professional technician for a checkup.

Routine Fall AC Maintenance

Clean the Evaporator Coil: Over the summer, dust and dirt can accumulate on the evaporator coil, reducing efficiency. Clean it gently with a soft brush or a specialized coil cleaner.
Check Ductwork for Leaks: Inspect the ducts for any visible leaks or damage. Sealing leaks can improve energy efficiency and comfort.
Schedule Professional Maintenance: Consider scheduling a professional HVAC technician to perform a comprehensive inspection and tune-up before winter arrives.

Winter AC Maintenance

Cover the Outdoor Unit: If you live in an area with harsh winter weather, consider covering the outdoor unit to protect it from ice and snow. Use a specialized cover to prevent moisture buildup.
Set the Thermostat Appropriately: Adjust your thermostat to a higher temperature when you’re away or asleep to save energy. A programmable thermostat can make this task easier.
Monitor for Unusual Sounds or Smells: While your AC might not be in use during the winter, it’s still a good idea to periodically check for any unusual noises or odors that could indicate a problem.

HVAC Maintenance, Repair, Replacement & More in Bedford Hills, Manhattan, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & The Bronx, New York

Regular seasonal AC maintenance can extend the life of your system, improve its efficiency, and save you money on energy bills. Remember that some tasks may require professional assistance, so don’t hesitate to call a qualified HVAC technician if you encounter complex issues or are unsure about any aspect of your AC maintenance checklist. By following these steps, you can ensure your air conditioner keeps you comfortable all year round. Call New York Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing for your AC professional maintenance, repairs, installation and replacement services.

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