How Does a Furnace Heating System Typically Work in Park Slope, NY? What Does Forced Air Mean & More

Being one of the oldest methods used in residential heating, furnaces are frequently used as part of the heating systems in many homes and business throughout the country. In earlier days, coal and wood would fuel them, but to run at high efficiency levels, modern models require electricity, gas, or propane. Older homes are especially likely to have a furnace heating the place. In fact, there are eco-friendly models that have AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) ratings of 98%, which means that they will transform 98% of the fuel they consume into heat. To help you better identify an issue with the furnace, as well as satisfy any curiosity, we at New York Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing would like to discuss the basics of how the furnace operates.

What Does Forced Air Mean for Heating?

Whatever fuel a furnace uses, it operates on the principle of forced air heating. Once the furnace transfers heat to air, blower fans then send through the ductwork of a house and out vents. Since furnaces frequently share the duct system with an air conditioner, homeowners do not need to take up additional space for their cooling system. A pilot light ignites a series of burners inside a combustion chamber that is set off by a natural gas furnace. From the heat these burners create then enters the heat exchanger, the heat transfers to the air and raises it to the temperature set by the thermostat. At this point, the blowers take the air and send it through the ducts. Propane furnaces operate the same, similarly. For an electric furnace, an electrical ignition begins the heating process. Instead of the gas-powered burners, the ignition activates heating elements that contain conductive coils. As the current passes through the coils, the ignition activates heating elements that contain conductive coils. The more heating elements turn on the more heat the thermostat calls for.

Can I Repair My Furnace Myself?

Though it sounds deceptively simple, to ensure that the heat exchange and distribution runs smoothly and without safety concerns, the furnace system contains many components. It is not recommended to try and diagnose or fix a malfunctioning HVAC system yourself unless you have extensive HVAC training and the appropriate tools. You should rely on experts to handle whatever ails your furnace, no matter its power source. It is important to note that gas furnaces can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and electric furnaces may cause high voltage shocks.

Furnace & Boiler Heating Maintenance, Repair, Replacement & More in Bedford Hills, Manhattan, Flushing, Queens, Brooklyn & The Bronx, New York

Whether you have a furnace, heat pump or boiler, you can better maintain your heating system with the assistance of New York Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing to ensure your heating system runs efficiently all winter long. We can provide furnace replacement, installation, repairs and maintenance services throughout New York with our expertise. In order to ensure your furnace’s services are done with accuracy and efficiency, our friendly technicians have the formal training, ongoing education, and daily experience as well as the skills. We are readily available to provide high-quality services, call New York Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing

and let us assist you with affordable furnace services.

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